Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I have really thick and straight brown hair what should i do with it?

straighten it even more, it will look even better, or just put your bangs up. that always looks great too.

I have really thick and straight brown hair what should i do with it?

hey, i have really thick straight brown hair too. and its so hard to work with. but if you put if half up half down it makes it look a little thinner. of even down with alot of hair spray you can make it look thick and massive. you could also try scrunching it.

I have really thick and straight brown hair what should i do with it?

Get it layered. You should have lots of layers to make it look thin, get it also thined out, and have them cut it with a razor, and use some brownish redish highliights to make it look GREAT :)

I have really thick and straight brown hair what should i do with it?

My daughter had alot of trouble with her beautiful long, straight, thick brown hair. The solution, we had it cut, styled, and permed...she's even more beautiful now.

I have really thick and straight brown hair what should i do with it?

Buy some hot-rollers and learn how to use them. They're a bit tricky to get used to at first, but the results are worth the effort.

That and if you're like me and not too handy with a curling iron, it's a great way to get some waves without burning your hair.

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